Diversification proving the way forward for enterprising Farmers.

Any business looking to survive and thrive clearly needs to find more business either through more customers for their existing products or by diversifying into new areas.

This is particularly true for Farmers who have seen their income from traditional activities diminish and are driven to find alternative sources of income from their assets.

Their location, predominantly in rural landscapes provides an attractive backdrop and plenty of space for new activities and ventures.

The major challenge is what activities and how to accommodate them?

Clearly, there are now many examples of ingenuity and innovation by the farming community and a blueprint for entrepreneurial farmers to follow. However, whilst some proposals take advantage of the open countryside and outdoor activities, there is also a need for indoor activities for those not so keen on a wet and windy day in a muddy field!”

Here at GCS Cabins our reputation for matching our customers with the most appropriate space and building for their needs has created a surge in interest from this community.

Whatever the space is to be used for you can bet GCS Cabins have already built something similar and have the experience and know-how to create just the space you require, absolutely fit for purpose and at a price you can afford.

In fact, these days, modular buildings offer all the benefits of a traditional build at a fraction of the cost and hassle.

An increasing number of farmers are having to think creatively to improve their income and conceive a wide range of attractive facilities to bring in new business. In fact, according to The Farmers Guide, 48% of farm owners are looking at expansion or diversifying their business.

For those considering undercover projects, there is inevitably the requirement for suitable buildings, a traditional build or conversion of a barn could be the solution for many ideas, but modular buildings are becoming an increasingly compelling option.

One of the most common uses of modular buildings for expansion projects are to house farm shops.

Working with other local traders can soon fill up an attractive space with a wide range of meat products, fresh bread and bakery products, local veg & salad, milk, cheeses, and local honey and once open, you can bet a hundred and one salespeople will be knocking on your door looking to add to your product range – fancy soaps, greeting cards etc.

For those considering undercover projects, there is inevitably the requirement for suitable buildings, a traditional build or conversion of a barn could be the solution for many ideas, but modular buildings are becoming an increasingly compelling option.

One of the most common uses of modular buildings for expansion projects is to house farm shops.

We have recently built a high-spec butchery training area to enable a client to process their own meat to sell on site. There really is nothing that can’t be built.

A coffee shop is an obvious addition once established with the added incentive of demonstrating the quality of your traditional produce in the catering choices, not to mention the additional profit from using your own baking on your menu.

Create exciting opportunities for people to visit your farm and they will happily spend their hard-earned money with you and return again and again.If you would like to find out more a member of our expert team is always happy to discuss your needs. Use our contact form, request a call back or call us on 0115 708 0196

© GCS Cabins Ltd - November 2022 - More Than Just A Building!