Diversification proving the way forward for enterprising Garden Centres

Any business looking to survive and thrive clearly needs to find more business either through more customers for their existing products or by diversifying into new areas.

A great example of this is the Garden Centre/Nursery sector.

Over the years our local garden centre has grown from a shed at the side of the road selling strawberries in the summer to a sprawling retail park with multiple attractions for children and their parents, all alongside a very successful plant nursery and garden centre.

The benefit being year-round trade rather than just the seasonal income from a couple of strawberry fields.

The challenge for this sector is finding an appropriate building and space to accommodate these new ventures.

Traditional buildings can be appropriate for major developments, but what if just a little bit of space is needed quickly. A really intelligent way to create that space is through modular building – all the benefits of a traditional build at a fraction of the hassle and cost.

Here at GCS Cabins our reputation for matching our customers with the most appropriate space and building for their needs has created a surge in interest from this sector.

Whatever the space is to be used for you can bet GCS Cabins have already built something similar and have the experience and know-how to create just the space you require, absolutely fit for purpose and at a price you can afford.

Our local Garden Centre along with all others are of course busy during Spring & Summer as the great British public seek the plants and flowers to make our gardens attractive along with all the tools, machines, feeds and treatments to keep them healthy.

However, the winter months are clearly less busy – but here at GCS we have been involved in designing, constructing and installing a number of buildings to drive new custom to these sites to provide the space for these innovative ideas to flourish.

Firstly, the demand for extra space creates the need to move existing elements elsewhere. Welfare facilities, stock rooms, customer toilets can all be simply accommodated pretty much anywhere there is free space, which is generally not a problem in rural locations. This will then free up the desired scope for the new ideas and products creating additional sales and profit.

There are the obvious ideas that create this demand such as room for seasonal products like fireworks and Christmas decorations, along with year-round revenue drivers such as giftware, coffee shops, deli’s etc., but additionally, initiatives such as flower arranging classes, painting classes, festive grotto’s, garden furniture displays all need dedicated accommodation – frankly, the only limit is your imagination. You tell us what you what and we’ll build you a suitable space.

If you would like to find out more a member of our expert team is always happy to discuss your needs. Use our contact form, request a call back or call us on 01234 567 899.

© GCS Cabins Ltd - November 2022 - More Than Just A Building!